Thursday, January 1, 2009

a little old and a bit of New

I hope you all are having a wonderful New Year, and that this year will bring us all much love, happiness, good health and make us all better artists too.
I have photos of my last baby of 2008 and the head of the first baby in 2009 that is a work in progress.
I am not real good at the tinies but am determined to learn them, so will do them occasionally in between my bigger babies. These 2 have no names yet and the head I am not even sure of its gender although I am thinking boy, what do you think???

1 comment:

Natalie Scholl said...

Hi Barb,

Here's to all that and more for this year... and always. :) I love your little ones... and am anxious to see that little guy get the rest of "his" body.

Happy New Year!

Take care,